How Does It Work?
What makes our system of approval important and different is that we are actual customers of all the venues we recommend. We use the venues every month, as a paying customer, bringing a variety of senior business decision makers into their venue, who will independently assess their experience every month. Their experience forms our recommendation and ability to offer Trafford Endorsed status.
As a result, Trafford Approval has great depth to it, because it comes from real world regular monthly experience – it’s not a once-in-a-blue moon interaction, and that experience is drawn upon from Trafford Hosts and our fellow business Members. This means, our recommendation is current and truly impartial.

We rate our venues based on the following experiences:
★ Customer Experience (Service)
★ Food
★ Dining Experience
★ Accommodation
★ Facilities
These are five key areas for companies choosing a venue for their business events and also for business travellers. The venues receive a ranking in each category, which then forms their final Trafford Endorsed ranking.
It is rare for any approval system to offer this frequency and level of diversity in assessing a venues performance – and we only work with, and endorse, a handful of venues that meet our criteria.
Please note: venues do not pay us for their approval status, and in fact, we pay the venues to host our meetings at their venue.